Sienna Sinclaire is a dynamic business woman and a performer. With Sienna, it’s about living and promoting all things naughty and risqué. Her natural affinity has enabled her to impart and create city travel guides to sexy events, lifestyle coaching to apps, ecommerce, books, tours, blogs, parties and much, much more!
What makes you so naughty?
We are all naughty in our own way…and what makes me naughty in my own way is that I love to travel the world while exploring and experiencing naughty things, along with helping others to be more naughty. By adding more naughtiness in my life, I started living the life I wanted…one of fun, adventure and living life my way.
Were you always naughty?
Yes, from as long as I can remember. I was orgasming around 3 or 4 years of age. I wasn’t having sex or touching myself…I was just going around and humping things while my clothes were on; pillows, stuffed animals, edge of couches, etc. All that I knew is that it felt amazing and I wanted to keep doing it so I did, and continue too, but with people now.
In high school, even though I dated men and had sex, I would rather masturbate since I couldn’t orgasm with a guy yet. I wasn’t as sexual with men while in high school. My college years, it was the same thing. I was more into school and being on my own. I dated but men where never that important to me, meaning I could take or leave them. It wasn’t until I was 24 that I had my first orgasm through sex with a guy. Even then I still wasn’t sexual with men.
The history of sex really fascinates me when traveling along with exploring things on my own such as strip clubs, brothels, sexy venues, fetish clubs, etc. It’s not so much as participating, as I do, but it’s more observing for me. I’m definitely a voyeur.
I moved to LA when I was 28, this is when I started my naughty business and when I really started to explore my sexuality. I had already been naughty in my 20s, but it was more experimenting. This time it was more about me, not the men I was dating or about putting on a show.
I was dabbling in everything from stripping, adult work, fetish clubs, burlesque performing to the pinup world. I wanted to try my hands at everything to see what it was that I really liked.
Stripping helped me to love my body more and be more in control of my sexuality. I saw how men responded to me and it was intoxicating. Plus the money was amazing and it helped me to live the life I wanted and travel.
Burlesque performing…I love sparkles and glitz and coming up with acts for shows. Plus it was all about building confidence. I loved that women of all sizes got up on stage to perform. Coming from a world of stripping and adult, these were real women with real boobs and real bodies. It would help me down the road with coaching women for body confidence.
You are making a career out of ‘everything naughty,’ most would view this as a ‘dream job’, is it all that’s it’s cracked up to be?
It’s everything and more! But it does have its times where it’s the same thing over and over again. You’ve been to one strip club, you’ve been to them all until you come across that one strip club that amazes you. But you have to visit a lot to find that one.
If I didn’t absolutely love my job, I wouldn’t be doing it as life is too short to be doing stuff you don’t like. I love what I do! I’m constantly learning new things all the time as we should always be learning and growing.
I had no idea when I was in High School or when I went to college for International Business that I would have a naughty business that I loved. No idea! I thought I would be working for a company or maybe owning my own.
I moved to London, UK after college to work for a magazine, that’s how I got into writing books/magazines. I took this internship because I was going to get my Masters Degree in International Business the following year but I had to work abroad first. Thank gosh I took this internship as it changed my path in life. I knew I never wanted to work for someone else or waste my time getting my masters as there were no guarantees.
When living in London, I would get up at 6am, get ready, take the Tube to work (I was always late as the Tube was always busy), work 9-5, get off of work and head to the gym, get back on the Tube, go to the grocery store (as most people buy their groceries fresh in Europe and same day as fridges aren’t as big as here), head home, watch TV/call family, then head to bed and do it all over again.
I knew this wasn’t the life for me. So, after my internship I returned to the states and started my own magazine. It lasted a year, but I was too busy traveling. I needed money to keep up with traveling which is why I started stripping. Once the money started to roll in, I saw that you could make a career out of being naughty and so I set myself out to do just that.
What does a day in the life of Sienna Sinclaire look like?
I have each day planned out for what I’ll be posting on my websites, blogs, social networks, etc. Plus I’m always working on a project. One week it might be a new travel ebook, naughty walking tour of a city I just visited, blog post with videos and photos of a recent trip, coaching sessions with a client, planning my next travels, setting up a photoshoot for my website or instagram.
When I’m not home, I’m traveling. I travel a lot! Whichever city I’m visiting, I’m planning it out ahead of time with looking for naughty things to visit so I can write a blog about it or turn it into a book. While I’m traveling, I post daily stuff about my travels and doing photoshoots while there for instagram and blogs. Plus I’m answering emails while away, sending off weekly newsletters.
Don’t think I do all this on my own as I have a whole team of people who help me. I have an assistant at home who runs all my errands as I like to be home working. She also posts a lot of my blog posts and my newsletters.
The ‘Naughty’ brand is working well for you. Tell us about some of your projects.
Naughty Los Angeles (www.NaughtyLosAngeles.com), – this website is based on my two-time award winning book “Naughty Girl’s Guide to Los Angeles.” It’s the first naughty travel book I wrote. Since I’m based in LA, I wanted a site where people could go to find all things naughty in LA. The book gets old and you can’t update it but a website you can.
So, for Naughty LA, I post blog posts of things I’ve been doing in LA, I write articles about LA from “Where To Go Topless In LA” to “Nude Art Classes” to “Sexiest Restaurants in LA.” You can also, find naughty tours I offer in LA from Historical Brothel Tours to Behind-The- Scenes Porn Shoot.
I’m currently working on my Naughty LA app, where people will be able to go on the app to find other naughty people…it will be everything that was in my book but updated…sexy restaurants, bars, clubs, and hotels, to fetish and swinger clubs, sex classes, and much more.
Naughty Travels (www.NaughtyTravelGuide.com), – This was my first website that came out before my Naughty LA book. It’s where I post my naughty travels around the world. I write blogs that I share with my readers. I also sell ebooks on naughty cities around the world so you can plan your own trip. I offer custom tours, if you’re visiting a particular city and need advice, for a small fee I will make you a custom tour for your stay. Anything that’s not LA related goes on this site.
Naughty Living (www.NaughtyLifestyleGuide.com), – this site is to help others to live more naughty! I truly believe that by adding more naughtiness into your life, that you can start living the life you want.
For those wishing to live naughty, what tips do you have?
There are so many things you can do, but I always say start with where you live. Your home is a true reflection of yourself. When I was living more naughty, I started adding photos around my house that made me feel more sexy, anything from Marilyn Monroe to vintage nudes. I started investing more in sexy lingerie and getting rid of anything that was old and worn. I even wear my lingerie around the house, since I work at home, as it makes me feel sexy and when you feel more sexy, you’ll feel naughtier.
It’s important to start with your bedroom, as it can be an energy blocker for you sexually if you have your work desk, TV, workout equipment and dirty clothes on the floor. That’s not very sexy. You need to make it an erotic oasis and kid free. I only use my bedroom for sex and sleep. I decorate it too so it makes me feel more sexy along with my lover.
Do you have a current favorite naughty travel destination?
I do love St. Barths as it’s French and you can go topless at the beaches, even at restaurants while you eat, if they are on the beach. They are very open-minded without throwing naughty in your face. Naughtiness isn’t about being a slut, having sex with everyone, wearing the most revealing outfits, it’s about less is more approach. We are all naughty in our own way, it’s not a competition as some people try to make it. I prefer classy naughty, not in your face naughty.
Of course, there are always going to be cities more naughty than others, especially bigger cities as there’s more to do and more open-minded people.
I’ve been to so many naughty cities some of my favorites are London, Paris, St. Barths, Thailand, NYC, SF, Vegas, and Poland just to name a few.
I’m sure you’ll soon be publishing naughty food, naughty fashion, naughty people, – whats next on your naughty list for 2017?
For 2017, I have my Naughty LA app coming out! I will no longer be writing travel books, just ebooks and apps as they are much easier to update and you have naughty at your fingertips.
I have my own sex toy line coming out called Naughty Toys! It will be red and gold colors… very simple line of toys as I believe from all my years of exploration and sex coaching that you don’t need all these fancy and expensive toys as they all do the same thing. My toys will be beautiful, functional and affordable.
And I will be redoing my Naughty Living Program…I will be turning it into a website where you login and work on it as a program where you move along learning new stuff each week so you can live more naughty. Plus there will be live video sessions with me. Remember it’s not all about being naughty, it’s about living a balanced life but one of naughtiness and that’s what I teach in my group.
A Synergy Magazine interview with Sienna Sinclair
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