AXF, the world’s only adult crowdfunding platform is delighted to be named a finalist nominee for the adult industry’s 2018 XBIZ Awards.
AXF has received a nomination in the award category “Innovative Web Product of the Year.”
Nominees for the 2018 XBIZ Awards were selected based on more than 8,000 pre-nominations submitted by global members of the adult industry.
“We were completely surprised and over the moon to receive a nomination in the 2018 XBiz Awards. To receive a nomination within our first year of trading is really special and it is wonderful to be recognized by our industry peers, thank you!”
– Jason Maskell, Founder of AXF
Voting is open to the adult industry and registered users can vote here until the 30 November 2017.
The 2018 XBiz Awards will be taking place on 18 January 2018 in Los Angeles, USA.
adultXfunding is open for companies in the adult lifestyle and sexual health sphere to pitch and get involved in #CrowdFundingForGrownUps and for investors to browse projects and #InvestSafe via the website www.adultxfunding.com
To connect and follow with AXF, follow on Twitter and FaceBook.
For further press information or images, please contact Nina Saini on nina@mediabitch.com or alternatively call +44 (0) 7956 841359.
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