Kheper Launches Ski Shot Set

By on August 24, 2023

Seattle, WA – Kheper, Inc. is formally launching a Ski Shot, a set of 4 shot glasses on a plastic ski. 

Kheper Inc. (Also known as Kheper Games, Inc) is releasing the shot glass set as an in-home version of Shotski, a trend where several skiers do shots together that are fastened on the same ski.

Customers of this item can enjoy them as a fun and campy shot glass set.  Or, do you want to do a ski shot?  Fasten all four glasses to the ski, fill them up with liquor, liqueurs and mixers, and then drink them in waterfall fashion by lifting the front of the ski above your mouth.

“Parties are back and there’s no better way to celebrate than with this shot glass set!  CEO Brian Pellham explains. “Doing shots off of skis is a ski lodge tradition, and this set makes it something you can enjoy more easily and in your own home.”

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