Legal Brothel Bares All with Revealing Sex Services Statistics

By on October 26, 2018

Pahrump, Nevada – Sheri’s Ranch, a Legal brothel and adult vacation resort near Las Vegas, has released a graphic summarizing how much sexual activity, and what types of sexual services, actually occurs at the bordello annually.

Using information gleaned from a 2017 review of client bookings and a poll of over 100 sex workers, the brothel discovered that 134 licensed prostitutes participated in 3,641,837 minutes of paid intimate services. This equates to nearly 7 years’ worth of sexual activity that took place in the brothel in 2017, with each sex worker averaging a total of 19 days spent being intimate with their clientele annually.

“It might seem like a lot of sex – and it is” said Dena, the brothel’s madam. “But when you consider that our ladies provide companionship, conversation, cuddling, and other types of intimacy in addition to the hot and heavy stuff, the 19 days’ worth of compensated activity for each woman annually isn’t that shocking.”

Additionally, the summary revealed the overall gender demographics of brothel customers. In 2017, 78% of customers were men, 7% were women, and 15% were couples.

“Sheri’s Ranch has seen a steady rise in the number of women and couples visiting us each year,” Dena said. “In 2014, about 15% of total customers were individual females and male/female or female/female couples. In 2017, that total was 22%, indicating that women and couples are increasingly visiting sex workers.”

The madam believes that this increase is a result of a diminishing taboo for females to participate in sex tourism, increased acceptance of the swinger lifestyle among couples, and a slow but sure evolution in America toward a less repressive sexual culture.

The brothel unveiled the top sex sessions requested by men, women, and couples. For men, the Girlfriend Experience, a session with a prostitute that includes empathy, tenderness, and quality conversation, was by far the most popular rendezvous requested above anything else.

“Men come to Nevada brothels for more than just to ‘bust a nut,’” Dena said. “These men are looking for a nonjudgmental companion to share their desires, anxieties, and innermost secrets with. We offer a safe haven where people can be themselves and release their worries with a loving paramour.”

The “innermost secrets” include a range of popular fetishes, with BDSM activities topping the list of most requested kinkiness.

“BDSM has always been popular and we have several ladies that specialize in adding a little pain to your pleasure,” Dena said. “But two other highly requested fetishes are foot-related fetishes and pegging.”

“Having managed a brothel for nearly a decade, I’ve learned that foot fetish is more common that most people realize – and many men come here to indulge their feet fantasies because they’re embarrassed to reveal their desire to their significant other,” Dena said.

“The same goes for pegging. Many people would be surprised to learn that so many men yearn to be penetrated. These men only reveal their fantasy to us here at Sheri’s because they’re ashamed or afraid of being judged by their lovers back home.”

The information released by the brothel also exposed the fact that, despite all of the sex occurring at the brothel, no customer has ever contracted a sexually transmitted disease as a result of an encounter with a sex worker at a legal Nevada brothel, thanks to a rigid adherence to safe sex policies.

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