Cologne/Germany, Wasserbillig/Luxembourg, – Hundreds of thousands of people celebrated Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Cologne on the weekend and pjur promoters were in the thick of it, distrib-uting flyers with samples of pjur Back Door to revellers. “The atmosphere was amazing. People couldn’t get enough of the flyers, and with such a brilliant design I’m sure the cards will be decorating countless bath-rooms for some time to come,” explains Tobias Ritter from salesrocker marketing in Cologne. The company partnered with pjur and the PMS agency to develop the promotional campaign.
This year’s promotional cards from pjur featured the naked trolls with colourful hair that were all the rage in the 80s. In the design, one of them is turning to admire the sample provided by pjur.
However, CSD wasn’t just a great success for the pjur group. Everyone was in high spirits, dancing and par-tying together under beautiful blue skies. Many of them carried signs with statements referring to current issues such as same-sex marriage and their own sexuality.
You can find further information about pjur at www.pjurlove.com
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