Pjur Trains Team At ORION

By on March 6, 2020

Wasserbillig/Luxembourg – At the end of February, Stefan Daniel, Senior Key Account Manager at pjur, held a pjur product presentation for a total of 18 members of the ORION sales team in Flensburg. As a premium provider of high-quality personal lubricants, pjur is investing in advising and training its business partners. In a relaxed atmosphere, participants refreshed their knowledge of the basics and also discussed innovations and trends in the market.

“ORION has been a partner to pjur for many years now. Our collaboration stretches back over twenty years and is built on a strong foundation of professionalism and also friendship. I really value ORION’s openness, honesty and reliability – not just towards us as the manufacturer but also to its customers”, elaborates Stefan Daniel.

In addition to celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2020, pjur also has a number of other exciting projects on the go, including the implementation of its pjur Brand Space concept, transitioning personal lubri-cants to certified medical class IIa products and individual specials. These planned activities resonated positively with participants. During a Q&A session at the end of the presentation, Stefan Daniel was able to answer all remaining questions from the ORION team.
“It was a professional product training session. Although it lasted around 90 minutes, it was also very entertaining and no questions were left unanswered”, enthuses ORION Product Manager Timo Pe-tersen. “Thank you Stefan, thank you pjur!”

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