Queensland Adult Store Owner Arrested on Drugs Charges

By on February 6, 2016

Melbourne, Australia, – Melbourne police have arrested an adult shop owner after the death of two men in Queensland linked to smoking synthetic drugs.

David Piccinato, owner of the ‘Love Heart Adult Stores’ chain, was arrested recently in Melbourne after two men, aged 33 and 41, died in Mackay, Queensland in 2015, after smoking synthetic cannabis.

Queensland police sought ­Piccinato’s extradition from Melbourne. He was handcuffed and escorted to Queensland, he faces two counts of trafficking a synthetic drug, drug production and possession of drugs.

Piccinato was denied bail after being deemed a flight risk, and could interfere with witnesses. It is alleged his stores were selling the synthetic cannabis product “Full Moon”. Under Queensland law synthetic marijuana is considered a dangerous drug.

The defense lawyer for Mr Piccinato said his client was willingly assisting police and was keen to have his name cleared.

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