As a man of considerable length and girth my dimensions often prove a considerable drawback when it comes to sex toys. So imagine my surprise when Lovehoney’s BlowYo Blowjob Stroker actually worked! It may not be the most aesthetically pleasing toy I’ve ever seen, but it fitted well despite being being short and squat. Despite a generous slathering of lube even other big-brand strokers I’ve been sent can be prove painful when I try to squeeze myself inside, but the BlowYo offers a generous initial width and feels altogether more yielding.
Made of two hard plastic rings surrounded in softly yielding TPE and joined by a soft and stretchy sleeve, the BlowYo is essentially an open-ended, grip-adjustable male stroker. This means it has a versatility of use most ‘cock-in-a-can’ masturbators don’t offer, as you can choose to use the BlowYo on the tip or base of your shaft. It’s also easy-peasy to wash through and then pat dry with the accompanying Renewer Powder.
The BlowYo stretches to accommodate your size and then bounces back with ease to be stored in its discreet plastic case, which helps keep it clean, prevents it from attracting fluff and makes it perfect for travel. This retraction can also happen inadvertently if your hand slips in situ, and is an unexpected downside to the BlowYo – you have to have a firm grip to fight the pressure of the two rings coming back together, which can be a challenge if you or your partner has small hands. Equally, if you have larger hands you may even find the pressure from the rings either side of your fist uncomfortable.
Great for solo play, for people who aren’t keen on giving blowjobs but like to please their partner, for those who love giving blowjobs and want to add another dimension to their repertoire, the BlowYo is a welcome change from using the hand. Albeit a noisier, more squelchy-sounding alternative!
If I’m honest the BlowYo feels less like a blowjob and more like PIV sex, but hey, who’s complaining when it feels so goddamn good? The BlowYo is available in four different versions featuring different soft plastic stimulations – Intense Ticklers, Sensation Swirl, Extreme Wave and Ultimate Bubble.
However, the thing I like most about the BlowYo is that it was submitted to Lovehoney’s annual Design A Sex Toy competition by an ordinary guy with an original idea; inspiring stuff!
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