Rocks Off Relaunch Rock-Chick

By on March 14, 2015

“There’s just No Stopping the Rockin”

Rocks Off made their whirlwind entry into the adult toy market 12 years ago with the ground breaking Rock-Chick and it would be true to say that the product was innovative on a multitude of levels. When launched, the product was like no other out there in terms of design and functionality, and was cleverly executed to deliver ultimate levels of satisfaction.

” We wanted our products to be powerful, bold, tactile, aesthetically pleasing and above all, be like no other on the market at that time and Rock- Chick certainly fulfilled that criteria” Said founding board member and developer, Ian Marshall

“Rock-Chick is the most enduring of the ranges, it was our original product and at the time the design was ground-breaking. Really without us knowing ,when we set out, it also lead the way to our range of boy’s toys, as guy’s were using Rock-Chick as prostate and perineum massagers and were experiencing the most fantastic results so it made perfect sense to develop this further which then lead to our hugely successful boys range”
So what do you do when a product is super successful other then look at ways to make it even better and as expected that’s just what the Rocks Off development and design team have done.
“It made perfect sense for our 12th anniversary to celebrate our success in the market by re-launching the product that made it all possible” said Marshall ” but we wanted to make sure that we remained true to our original ethos when we set out with this product and that’s what we feel we’ve achieved ”

“The new sleeker, more modern Rock-Chick feels great in your hand”, says Sales Director Andrea Duffy. “It’s just a few small changes like a softer feel, and a more ergonomically designed handle, that really perfect an already great product. We used a more pliable silicone for easier use but kept it stiff enough to really hit the G-Spot.” Still powered by the award winning RO80mm 7 Speed bullet, it continues to be waterproof and submersible.

The new Rock-Chick is shipping now.

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