The Rabbit Company Launches “The Pink Ribbon Rabbit” for Breast Cancer

By on June 4, 2016

VAN NUYS, CA, — For the lifetime of the Pink Ribbon Rabbit, a portion of every sale will be donated to the Eileen Stein Jacoby Fund.

The Eileen Stein Jacoby Fund, a 100% volunteer-based organization, supports Breast Cancer Research by organizing community based fundraising events and donating the proceeds to research scientists engaged in the fight against this deadly disease.

Founded in the year 2000 by Cheryl Stein Herman and her family in honor and memory of her beloved sister, Eileen Jacoby, the Eileen Stein Jacoby Fund places a special emphasis on involving the young people of our community. Many of The Eileen Stein Jacoby fundraising events are organized and led by students. By participating in such important fund raising events, these students learn invaluable life lessons about responsibility, organization, teamwork, and leadership.

“We are completely honored to be assisting the Eileen Stein Jacoby Fund in their breast cancer cause,“ said Chaney Cox, Brand Manager, she continued, “With our lifetime donation commitment, our goal is to really make an impact on breast cancer research”

For additional information on the Rabbit Company and to see all of their products, please visit or call (844)-RABBIT-1.

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