I studied Environmental Law at University and fell into the industry by total accident. In 2007, I started working as a manager in a sex-positive boutique adult shop in California because my close friend, Amy Baldwin and her mom, opened the store and thought I would be the perfect person to help run things. I had zero retail experience and never even owned a vibrator but they were right, I ended up being really good at selling pleasure products and falling in love with the business. I started at Fun Factory in 2012 and it’s been magic ever sense. I love the adult toy business and having both retail and manufacturing experience gives me a wonderful perspective for closing deals and setting up customers with the perfect collection of products from Fun Factory.
A typical day
The typical day for me is anything but typical. I travel about 180 days a year so whether it’s domestic or international travel, attending a trade show or a meeting to discuss future business, discussing sales with my team or developing marketing strategies with head quarters, conducting product trainings or a sex-education based seminar; it’s always different. The only thing typical is that there is nothing typical about my day, which is perfect for me because I detest monotony!
The most significant influence in my working career was/is
I would have to say Amy Baldwin, owner of Pure Pleasure where I first entered work in the pleasure products world. She saw something in me long before I had a career oriented in the industry and she encouraged sex positivity, sex education and overall female empowerment. She also gave me my very first vibrator, which, was a Fun Factory Layaspot. I’m forever grateful to her for her influence on my career, my life and my sex education expertise.
I’m most proud of
Winning the WIA (Woman in Adult) award for Woman of the Year in January 2016. It was given to me because I’m uniting, empowering and inspiring woman in the adult toy industry. It is such an honor!
One of the most memorable moments was
Being interviewed for a character piece by VEJA Brazil in September. VEJA is the leading weekly publication in the country and one of the most influential outlets of the Brazilian printed media overall. It was super exciting and memorable to be interviewed by them about sex toys and my life.
Last book I read
How Will You Measure Your Life by Clayton Christensen, a professor a Harvard Business School. It’s a must read for anyone in business. He approaches career happiness along with living life with integrity. He really gets you to think who (not what) do you want to be and never to confuse purpose with priority. Seriously, everyone needs to read this book or listen to it on Audible. It’s a life changer.
Favourite movie/TV show
I’m an avid documentary watcher. I feel if I’m going to detach for a while, then I should be learning something either about a topic I already have insight to or something totally out of my element. A great documentary is Plastic Planet. It’s all about the world’s dependency on plastic and how destructive it is for the environment and our bodies. If I had to choose a TV show, I guess my one guilty pleasure is Shameless (US), it’s dark comedy but so good.
What I wanted to be when I was growing up
She-Ra Princess of Power! No joke, my mom still laughs about it and tells me “when everyone wanted to be an astronaut or the president, you wanted to be a super hero!” and yet still I would love to be She-Ra Princess of Power when I grow up.
What would most people not know about me
I was a competitive gymnast for 13 years and busting out back flips is still my favourite party trick.
My favourite place
This is really tough question for me because I love so many places! If I had to choose one then Seville, Spain. I studied there when I was 19 and there is something about the place that is just magical-the food, the people, the smells, the streets, the music, the wine, everything is just wonderful there.
When I’m not working I’d rather be doing
I would like to say yoga but really, to be honest, I love tasting, learning, and experiencing everything about wine. From growing the grapes to its aging process to drinking it, I just think it’s the most fascinating thing. Maybe I was a sommelier in a past life…
What I like best about my job
Hands down, the people are the best thing about my job. My customers and colleagues are the greatest and I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by so many talented and wonderful people all around the globe.
If I could change one thing
There would be more hours in a day! Time just flies by and I’m constantly running out of time to get everything I want accomplished in a day, a week, a month, even a year. I’m an extremely organized person who can multitask like a boss but still, it would be so much better if time were always on my side.
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