Kheper Games Launches New Romance Game Tit for Tat

By on February 19, 2023

Seattle, WA – Kheper Games, Inc. is excited to announce Tits for Tat.  It is a foreplay game that leads to an agreed upon sexual scenario the couple acts out together. 

To play Tits for Tat, each player starts with two Sexual Reward cards.  He has a deck for him and she has a deck for her.  Players move around the board engaging in various foreplay actions and also earning more Sexual Reward cards. There are three Sexual Trade barriers along the board.  The first player to reach each one, starts out a sexual negotiation.  He selects a card that he wants as a reward at the end of the game and shares it.  She then either says no, or agrees only if he is willing to do what is on one of her cards.  Negotiations continue until each player has shared a card the other agrees to engage in.  The person reaching the bed at the end of the game wins, and gets to assign the order that the three sets of Sexual Reward cards are acted out.

“We have learned over the years that negotiation is a very important part of exploration in the bedroom,” explains CEO Brian Pellham. “This game is very upfront about negotiating and exploring as it’s an integral part of game play.  People want to do something new, and often are afraid their lovers will shoot them down.  This game gives them a safe way to put new or favorite sexual activities out there for both individuals in a relationship to agree on.”

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