The realistic dildos are made out of medical silicone and are now available from ORION Wholesale. The “Medical Silicone Dildos” from YOU2TOYS are lifelike penis replicas that are waterproof. They have a strong suction cup and large testicles as well. They are seamless, very flexible and bendy – for pure pleasure. The medical silicone is skin-friendly, odourless, easy to clean, hygienic and very durable.
The “Medical Silicone Dildos” are available in five different sizes and diameters – they are also great prices too. They are delivered in discreet packaging and there is a description of the product in ten languages on the packaging as well.
For orders and further information please contact: ORION Wholesale, Mr Hauke Christiansen, phone 0049-461-5040 210, fax 0049-461-5040 244, e-mail: hchristiansen@orion.de, www.orion-wholesale.com
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