Pjur Brand Space Concept Popular in the Germany

By on November 5, 2019

Wasserbillig/Luxembourg – Novum, pjur’s long-standing sales partner in Germany has started to implement the pjur brand space concept in two branches. The specialist stores in Herford and Andernach are playing a pioneering role in the remodeling and creation of “pjur brand spaces”. More stores will follow in the coming months.

“As a premium provider of high-quality intimate products, we want to be the first port of call for any questions related to the subject of personal lubricant. To meet the expectations of discerning consumers, pjur is investing in a mix of brand, product ranges, advice and presentation at the point of purchase. This last factor in particular is becoming increasingly important,” explains Stefan Daniel, Senior Key Account Manager Sales at pjur.
Michael Schnelle, Managing Director of Novum Markets, also knows that appealing shop concepts are popular with customers: „We want to create a comfortable space with open and bright shops that are appealing to men and women alike: The pjur Brand Space concept helps us to make the range even more attractive to the end customer and to make it easier to choose the right product.“

The pjur brand space concept focuses on the presentation of the premium brand in order to claim brand space at the point of purchase. It combines the successful pjur gives you more campaign with the attractive pjur experience slat wall set that is used to strengthen the brand’s presence in shops.

The attractive, eye-catching wall display helps consumers find the products they need. The pjur experience slat wall set features a rear panel that really stands out in stores. The size of the displays can be adapted, and they are supplied with three or six shelves. They can also be modified for smaller stores. In addition to impressively showcasing pjur’s extensive portfolio, the concept also includes testers that enable consumers to try out the different personal lubricants on display.

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