pjur Trains Babylon Teams in Belgium and France

By on October 21, 2021

Wasserbillig/Luxembourg – At the beginning of October, Christian Carbonne, Senior Marketing Manager at pjur and Roger Ortiz, Sales Manager at pjur, held a series of pjur product presentations for a total of 19 members of the Babylon sales teams thought France and Blegium. In a relaxed atmosphere, participants refreshed their knowledge of the basics, learned all about pjur’s ingredients and also discussed innovations and trends in the market. The trainings tour was rounded off with visiting stores and setting up pjur Brand Spaces.

“After quite some time we again have opportunities to meet our customers in person. This tour of the Babylon stores in France and Belgium allowed us to receive a lot of enriching feedback,” says Christian Carbonne, pleased about the opportunity to get in touch with customers directly.

In addition to the installation of the brand spaces and the placement of pjur acrylic displays in the shops, the pjur portfolio, the role of the ingredients, as well as individual questions were discussed with sales personnel. The activities were well received and in the final Q&A session all open ques- tions could be answered directly.

“After a long pandemic, it is very good to talk to our main partners in person and to see that life and business are gaining momentum,” says Roger Ortiz, Sales Manager at pjur.


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