Los Angeles, CA – Award-winning lubricant manufacturer Wicked Sensual Care is pleased to introduce the Retail Employee Spotlight, designed to honor extraordinary retail staff employed in the pleasure industry. The Retail Employee Spotlight will include an interview in the WSC newsletter, a social media spotlight, and recognition across all Wicked Sensual Care platforms. Beginning today, store managers, owners, and employees are invited to nominatetheir super stars who go above and beyond and deserve the utmost recognition.
Do you work with someone who shines not only in sales performance but as an educator or customer service specialist, someone who always goes that extra mile? That’s a retail SUPER STAR.
To nominate your retail super star, please email their name, store name, location/city, social media handles, as well as a brief paragraph about why you believe they deserve to be a Super star (photograph optional!) to Team@WickedSensualCare.com. Super stars may also self-nominate.
Cassie Pendleton, marketing director at Wicked Sensual Care explains, “ Our retail partners play such a vital role in our industry. From educating customers to making product recommendations, these people are on the front lines every day.” She continues, “the Retailer Employee Spotlight is our way of showing our gratitude to these essential folks who we appreciate so, so much. Thank you all for sharing Wicked Sensual Care with your customers and being such an integral part of our growth.”
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