John Frew – Co Owner Peaches and Cream, New Zealand

By on April 1, 2015
John Frew

How and when did you get into the Adult business?
It was about 14 years ago in May 1999. A friend was working in an adult store and was offered the chance to purchase it. He needed help with the finance and asked if I would like to become a partner to which I said yes. Soon after, I was offered to purchase a second store and quickly snapped up the chance once again. I met my business partner Andrew through mutual friends as he was in the same industry with his own adult store in central Auckland. We hit it off really well and decided to go into business together and combine the buying power of our 3 stores. The business boomed really fast and very quickly we bought another 11 stores between us. Prior to this I was at Levine’s, as the NZ development leader (house decorating specialists, with them for over 20 years), I got to travel around the world checking out the latest trends and bring back all the knowledge to our brand. This really helped me with how to run retail stores and taught the importance of product training.

A typical day
A typical day would start around 7am and have breakfast at the office while checking the overnight emails and contacting any suppliers who are in the different time zones. Then looking over the sales for yesterday and comparing it to the year before. Have the daily meeting with my business partner Andrew to discuss how the business is going and what we will be working on achieving for the day. The rest of the day will be filled with meeting with new suppliers/retail management/sorting upcoming promotions and advertising.

The most significant influence in my working career was/is
I would say – David Levene (owner of Levine’s), he was the most progressive retail company in NZ at the time. Being at the top was always something I strived for, he was such a great leader and mentor to me.

I’m most proud of
My kids and how well they have grown up, very proud of them!
One of the most memorable moments was
Taking our team to the ‘Cher’ concert, here in Auckland. We hired a limo, had bubbles on the way there, the show was AMAZING and we all had a fantastic time together. It was a real team bonding experience. The show was that great, I decided to fly over to Melbourne and see it again!

Last book I read
John Grisham – Grey Mountain. Love his entire collection, wonderful writer. John Burett and Stephen Leather are another couple of my favourites. Absolutely love reading books, one of my ways to relax and chill out.

Favourite TV show
X Factor series (UK or Australia versions). So much talent!

My Favourite place
In New Zealand it would be Queenstown, so peaceful and naturally beautiful both in the summer and the winter. Overseas favourite place would be Paris, the most romantic city of love and Thailand!

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